48v dc motor speed controller circuit - Uma visão geral


Hope this article has helped you to better understand how to incorporate DC motors into your electronics projects! Leave a comment below if you have any questions.

The robot could easily move in any direction, avoid obstacles, make stops, and move again immediately. We achieved this by using a pulse width modulation DC motor controller that regulated the speed and rotational direction of the motor.

We all know that for a DC motor, to change the direction of rotation, we need to change the polarities of supply voltage of motor. So to change the polarities we use H-bridge.  Now in above figure1 we have fours switches. As shown in figure2, for the motor to rotate A1 and A2 are closed. Because of this, current flows through the motor from right to left, as shown in 2nd part of figure3.

But if you use PWM feature built into the microcontroller you can use the microcontroller processor to do other task.

Initialize the BUTTON & DC_MOTOR in the main application, start the DC Motor, read an analog potentiometer with ADC. And use that reading to control the motor speed in the main loop of the system. Read the buttons and use it to flip the direction of motor rotation. Repeat!

Now we can move on and design a custom PCB for this circuit. For that purpose I will use the EasyEDA free on-line software. Here we can start by searching and placing the components on the blank canvas.

To avoid this situation, you can introduce dead time. This is a short period of time when all switches of an H-bridge circuit are closed. Using dead time, you can make sure the upper switch will open only after the lower switch is closed.

Much of this code, at least the part in the loop() function, has been taken from the sketch in Lecture 11. It generates the ping pulse that is emitted by the sensor, and then calculates the distance of an object from the time it takes for the echo to return.

In proportion to the reduced voltage, the speed is reduced. However, the field current remains the same as the field winding is directly connected across the supply voltage.

Another option that you can choose for your project is a GaN transistor made of hard and extremely durable semiconductor material. It can resist high temperatures and operates at very high frequency and voltage ranges.

When it comes to speed controls, we believe in delivering a good quality product with our every day low prices. You won't find plastic cases or low quality parts used in the construction of our units, nor will you find non genuine components used to save cost.

A typical DC motor has two connecting leads – one for the negative terminal and the other for the positive terminal. If you reverse these terminals (changing the polarity), the motor will spin in the opposite direction.

The pins EnA and EnB of the motor controller L298 are used as the PWM pins. We can rotate the DC motor at different speed providing different high and low voltage levels to these pins of the motor control driver.

The circuit is connected in breadboard as per the DC motor speed control circuit diagram shown above. The pot here is used to adjust the speed of motor.


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